As we grow so do our needs. CY is in need of volunteers for specific tasks. CY is basically an "AVO" All Volunteer Organization. We rely on our community to create infrastructure to run smoothly. if you haven't already signed up for a volunteer position please consider one of the following: Volunteer Coordinator (desperately needed) Membership Committee: (individual or committee tasks, short or long term) Adult Purim coordinator Chesed Committee (on-call volunteer) Adult Education Coordinator and Teachers (consider teaching a class for CY) Fundraising Committee Shabbat Committee We have many more options-please ask! We are asking each person contribute a minimum of 10 hours a year. It is a great way to meet people and build community. For those who are very busy we also have a number of individual tasks. Many of you have been graciously making donations above your dues pledge. Thank you for your continued support of CY. When making a donation please consider funding one of the following: Shabbat Oneg (consider sponsoring an oneg in honor of a loved one) Sukkah Building Fund Building Fund (long term vision for a permanent home) Shiva Minyan Prayer Books If you interested in volunteering, have questions or suggestions please contact Leah, Membership Chair We are still looking for families to host a Shabbat in their home on the 4th Friday of the month!